Louisiana Land Bank

Recland Talks


New Texas Agent

RecLand welcomes Laramie Wheaton as a new Texas agent. Laramie has a degree in Ag Business from Texas A&M. He lives in Lola, TX on a family ranch.

His information is on our Contact page.


How to Preserve Your Trophy

Click here for a good article from Obsessed with Nature Taxidermy Studio about how to preserve your trophy for mounting.


Scott Nevins' Huge New Mexico Elk

Scott Nevin's, RecLand's agent/forester in northeast TX, killed this giant bull in New Mexico. It's a 6x7 that scored 376.


Youth Day at the Tensas River Nat'l. Refuge September 20, 2014

Youth Day at the Tensas River Nat'l. Refuge Saturday, Sept. 20, 2014

Print this flyer to see all the great events scheduled for families at the Refuge. This is also the opportunity to register your kids for the drawings for the guided deer hunts they offer this winter.


Some LA Teal Hunting

Hays and his dad with a limit of teal in Morehouse parish, LA.

Kirk Scriber, our agent in Mandeville, LA, had a limit of teal with his brother and friends in East Carroll parish, LA.

Bert & Lola, our friends from GA, with limit of teal killed in the marsh in Cameron parish, LA with Coy and Caleb Purkey.


Agent News

RecLand welcomes Nathan Renick as a new Mississippi agent. Nathan is a graduate forester and works at the Tensas River Nat'l. Refuge. His contact information is on our Contact page.

Kirk Scriber is now licensed in AR in addition to LA.


Morgan's East Texas 7 Point

This is Morgan's 7 point he killed on the first day of the 2013-14 Texas Youth Hunt. Morgan is Brandon White's (our forester / assoc. broker in Jasper, TX) son and is a 4th grader this year. The buck was mounted by Michelle Webb, shown in the picture.

We have no age restrictions for RecLand's ProStaff!


Is it Right or Wrong?

I have friends and clients who spend all year waiting for October 1st so they can climb in a stand to bow hunt. They go as many times as possible until that Saturday rolls around where primitive weapon season opens. They are faithful to be in their stands early and late with the primitive weapon until the 1st Saturday of rifle season. You guessed it...they pick up their bolt action with 4x12 optics and hunt hard until the end of the season. They'll kill deer in each of those weapon-specific parts of the season, too.

Sounds great! But what if I told you that they used a crossbow, instead of a compound? And during primitive weapon season they used a center-fire 45-70, not a muzzle loader. Oh, by the way, they made each and every hunt sitting in stands over looking shooting lanes where corn and / or rice bran had been poured every week looking for the big bucks they had captured on their game cameras that have run since August. How do you feel about that? You probably have an opinion about some or all aspects of these hunters' methods. Most of us do.

Heck, I tease them mercilessly about using using their "sissy bows" instead of a compound like I use. My sweet, diplomatic wife is an avid bow hunter and she even gives them grief over the sissy bow. What do you think?

The crossbow versus compound (and even the recurve), muzzle loader versus primitive center fire calibers; to feed or not to feed, game cameras versus hunting blind, mojo decoys, electronic predator calls and many more can dominate camp conversations. We all have different opinions and positions on the issues that seem the most important to us. My wife and I feel strongly about using a compound bow exclusively instead of a bow with a mechanical release fitted with high-end optics. The reason for us is that we want to kill Pope & Young bucks and cross bow kills are not accepted.there. The point is we all have opinions about what's right and wrong in these areas and we all probably have good reasons for those opinions.

There's not a thing wrong with having spirited debates over topics we are passionate about. There's nothing wrong with having strong opinions about how you may choose to pursue and kill game during various hunting seasons. As you encounter these situations where your hunting beliefs are challenged, consider these three principles I believe trump our personal opinions. In my case, I'm willing to give able-bodied sissy bow hunters (sorry...had to get in one more gig!) a pass from my stubborn opinions if they can meet me at these places:

1. If it's a legal and ethical method of hunting, then it's not about right or wrong, it's about what we prefer.

2. Do you leave the land and the wildlife better than you found it? Hunting in the United States is a privilege we should should guard, preserve and enhance every way we can. Land ownership is a bedrock of our freedom. You and I know that hunting - and the lifestyle surrounding it - is about way more than what we kill or how we kill it.

3. Is the next generation of hunters and landowners learning the right things by being around us and seeing what we do and how we do it when we're planting food plots in the summer, making a shot in mid-November and cleaning and cooking the game at the camp?

Yep...we've got opinions. I'm willing to give you yours and be happy for the way you enjoy your season hunting. Let's just be sure we're majoring on the majors and making our sport, passions and lifestyles something that will live on.

- Pat Porter, RecLand ProStaff Founder...but you won't see him on TV!


2014-15 Louisiana Hunting Regulations & Season Dates

2014-15 Louisiana Hunting Regulations

Print it out and check out the season dates for your area and any changes to regulations. The Youth Deer Hunt dates are on page 39. Make it a safe and memorable year!


Keep Your Lock-ons & Ladder Stands Safe

It's getting that time of the year. Bow season is right around the corner. I have put up four new lock-ons on our property where my wife and I bow hunt. It's hard work for a fat boy in July but hey...it's part of the process of year-around deer hunting and I love it.

Each of my lock-ons is in a unique area where I have - for a variety of reasons - decided we could possibly get a shot at a mature buck. There are two brands of stands and 3 brands of ladders / steps. But there is one common element at each stand...safety lines.

Maybe it's being 50 years old or maybe it's the thought of 3 young boys and a wife at home, but whatever the reason, I'm learning to be safer in the woods. I still stomp through waste-high brush with no real concern for snakes and shimmy across rickety limbs and logs to get across a creek. That's probably just because of the nature of my business. But I don't take chances in the deer stand.

The rising popularity of bow hunting has resulted in a mountain of new products, gizmos and do-dads touting their indispensable use to all hunters. I can do without most of that stuff. However, a benefit of this rise in product development has definitely been in the area of safety products. Lifelines, lineman straps and full-body harnesses are by far the most important items on the market in my opinion. These 3 items alone can make all the difference in safely enjoying hunt after hunt...or suffering a disabling or deadly fall.

I used to be bulletproof. And in some instances (like the snakes and creeks mentioned above) I still think I am. But I have a humble opinion of my claim to good fortune when it comes to a Millennium 16 feet up a red oak. I never hang a stand or set of climbing sticks without my harness and lineman's line. Once the stand is installed, I am hooked to a lifeline to trim all the limbs, screw in bow hooks and make any adjustments to the stand. I use the lifeline in ever hunt I make in the stand. My wife skips the stand hanging and limb trimming in July but she, too, is in a full harness with each hunt. The lifelines are inexpensive and so easy to use that I can't imagine a single legitimate reason a bow hunter won't use it. You connect it to your vest while you're on the ground, climb up to your stand (connected to the safety line all the way up). You are safely tethered while in your stand and on your way down the tree when you leave. It's brainless.

I also use a pull line with a simple carabineer at each stand to raise and lower my bow. This way I have nothing in my hands, nor do I have to balance stuff hanging from my arms or shoulders while i'm climbing in and out of the stand. The pull line lets me get the gear in the stand safely once I'm safely seated. How hard is that?

Every new stand I've purchased in the last couple years comes with a full-body harness, tree strap and a safety DVD. Like me, you may prefer a different style harness...OK...there are dozens of varieties on the market. I now prefer the lifeline as opposed to the tree strap so I can be connected the entire time I'm climbing and hunting. These, too, are inexpensive ($20-30 depending on brand) and they all work the same. We have tree straps on each of the 4 ladder stands we use for bow hunting, too. These two-man stands are easier to get in and out of than lock-ons and have plenty of room to stand, but the safety harness and strap still provides an additional level of safety and peace of mind.

You're all big boys and girls. You make your own decisions. I just encourage you to spend the extra few dollars and take the little extra time at each stand to make your hunting as safe as you can. I think your family and friends would appreciate it.

Kill a big one!

- Pat Porter, RecLand ProStaff Founder...but you won't see him on TV!