Are you already familiar with us and ready to list your property? Then just call our main office at 318.281.4900 and we'll get the right agent in touch with you.
Do you need more information first? No problem... just play the video to see Pat Porter discuss listing your land with RecLand and read some of the information below.
Listing and selling your land shouldn't be confussing or complicated. We try to make it easy for you!
How much does RecLand charge to list land for sale?
We do not "charge" anything to the seller for advertising, flagging, showings, etc. We earn a commission based on the final purchase price and it's paid to us out of the proceeds at the closing when your property sells. Our commissions typically range from 5-8% depending on the size of the tract. 5-6% is the typical commission rate for most of our listings.
How does RecLand market its listings of land for sale?
Advertising our land listings is what sets us apart from many other real estate companies. Not that others don't do a good job, but RecLand advertises land to people who buy land...and we do it in ways that distinguish our listings from all the commercial and residential properties on the market. You should have more than just a "for sale" sign on your property - or be in the area MLS - that typically only attracts some local buyers. There are buyers all over the world who may want your property. Bringing these buyers into the mix is how you get a better price for your land...and with all due respect to the big name real estate companies whose signs you see in people's yards...they just don't get to those buyers like RecLand does. It's an issue of focus, not competence. They try to do it all...we just focus on land!
Our advertising program uses a wide variety of media. RecLand utilizes the internet as aggressively as anyone in the land business. We use featured ad space on every major land website as well as having our own sites that average several hundred hits per day. And social media??...yea...we're there, too! We use every major platform...more and more each day! Our main goal is to be where the attention is.
We also take advantage of search engine key-word placements and thousands of email blasts each month that keep our listings in front of buyers. And, yes...we'll put signs on the property, too.
RecLand has established a good working relationship with many other brokers and splits commissions fairly in an effort to encourage other real estate agents to show our listings to their clients.
While we're discussing advertising, consider this fact: Many tracts just need to be stomped around on by people who know and understand land tracts to understand all the features that will help the tract sell. This is another thing that separates RecLand from the folks with a sign in your neighbor's yard. We drive muddy trucks and four-wheelers. Reckon how they got that way? It's one thing to know and have all the places to advertise land like RecLand's another thing to know what to say in that advertising and be able to show people the things that matter about your tract.
What types of real estate does RecLand list?
We specialize in hunting land, timber land & farm land, and ranches. We sell small and large tracts that have residential and commercial development potential, too. We will list land that has a residence on it. We have a wide range of experience with pine and hardwood timberland, coastal marsh land, CRP and WRP tracts, waterfront and river tracts and farm land of most types. Our staff of agents consists of people who are land owners, farmers, ranchers, foresters, land investors, hunters, fishermen and wildlife specialists. RecLand has a unique source of knowledge and experiences that we can put to work for you. Just click here to take a look at the variety of hunting land, timber land & farm land listings RecLand has for sale in Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, Iowa & Missouri.
What are my obligations if I list my land with RecLand Realty?
You are only obligated to allow us to market and sell your land for the period of time we agree to in our listing agreements. You agree to pay the commission out of the sales proceeds at closing. You pay no marketing or advertising fees.
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Forestry Services offered by RecLand's Land Agents / Foresters:

RecLand Realty, LLC offers a variety of forestry services through our agents who are graduate foresters and practice consulting forestry. These services include.
- Forest Management Planning
- Timber Marketing
- Tree Planting
- Chemical & Mechanical Vegetation Control
- Boundary Marking
- Other Needed Silviculture Treatments
Our foresters have numerous years of field experience. Their combination of forestry and real estate expertise uniquely positions them to provide you with sound timberland management advice. A landowner's objectives for his property can be as diverse as the forest itself. Our foresters can help you develop specific forest management plans designed to meet your goals. Whether you are buying or selling, a long time timberland owner or a first time buyer, we can help you manage and increase the productivity of your forest.
The most important management decision a timberland owner makes with regard to his property is when and how to harvest the timber. Timber harvests provide income and a return on the investment a landowner makes through the purchase of timberland. Timber harvests are also used as a management tool to create a desired forest type or specific conditions that may favor a particular wildlife species. Because changes in the forest occur slowly over long periods of time, it is important that landowners consult with experts before making decisions about harvests.
Highly variable pricing is another important aspect of a timber harvest to consider when making forest management decisions. Timber prices depend upon a wide number of factors such as tree species and size, tree quality and form, distance from the mill, access to the property, timing of the sale and recent weather events. Prices can fluctuate widely over the course of a year. It is important to know who the potential buyers are for a particular tract or product and obtain bids from them to ensure the highest price possible is received. Our foresters are plugged in to these markets and have the knowledge and expertise that is needed to capture the best price possible. While price is important, it is also equally important that the landowner is happy with the outcome of the harvest. Our foresters will oversee every aspect of the harvest to ensure that it is carried out in a manner that is consistent with the landowner's goals for the property
Call or email us today. We would be happy to help you meet your forestry needs or advise you on the best way to market your timberland assets.
Below is a list of RecLand agents who are foresters. Click here to see these land agents' / foresters' cell phone numbers and email addresses.
Coy Purkey (LA, AR)
Brandon White (TX, LA)
Chris Bordelon (AR, LA)
Scott Nevins (TX)
Nathan Renick (MS)
Bobby Fuchs (TX)
Interested in being a land agent for RecLand?
We have a number of agents in the states we service. There are a variety of backgrounds and levels of experience represented. A great aspect of being a real estate agent with RecLand is that a person can do it as a full-time career like several of our people do or they can do it "on the side" so to speak while they keep their day job. The flexibility is there to make it fit into your current lifestyle.
There are a few basic steps that any prospective land agent must take:
1. Talk to Pat Porter. That's me! Call or email to get the conversation going and we can discuss what you have in mind. I am looking for good people, in the states we serve and in new areas, whom I can build the RecLand brand around. I have the structure, tools, and brand. What I need are more boots on the ground in some key areas.
2. Have a real estate license in LA, AR, MS, TX, IA, MO. If you don't have a real estate license, you must be willing and able to get one. This will require a small commitment on your part to review your state requirements, pay for and take the required coursework (can be done in classroom or online in as little as a couple weeks if you're motivated), submit the application to your state real estate commission and then take and pass the test. We will stay in touch through this process so I can help where needed and have things ready for you on our end so you don't waste a minute to get up and rolling.
3. Once licensed, be willing to do what you and I discussed when you did #1 above.
We have a commitment to grow and put advertising behind our listings and brand to help our land agents succeed. This is a primary part of who we are. RecLand does all the advertising for all agents' listings. We pay for it, too. We also advertise our services to help get new listings. These listings are passed along to the agents in the area. Our agents do not have to worry about other agents unfairly getting listings or leads that come through the office. We manage a system through our office manager to distribute all listings and leads according to geography, land type, etc.
Our commission structure is very competitive...especially given the fact we pay for all the marketing and give the agents the leads we generate through our websites, social media, and other media.
Sure, being a land agent is strictly a commission-based career. But RecLand helps good agents ease into it by handling all the costly expenses associated with marketing your services and listings. Basically, you secure and maintain your license, pay for your gas, cell phone, and lifestyle...and RecLand pays for all the other stuff to market your business...even down to the signs and business cards.
We need good people. It's an outstanding way to make a living and enjoy a flexible lifestyle. If you have interest...see #1!