Louisiana Land Bank

Recland Talks


Dani Manning Gets Her 1st Bow Kill - Oct. 2015

Dani Manning killed her first deer with a bow on private property in Tensas Parish, LA. She made a nice 15 yard shot from her tree stand. Dani is married to Drew Manning, a RecLand agent. This is Dani's 2nd year of "bow only" deer hunting. There's a nice 10 point on camera she's ready for now! 

RecLand ProStaff


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Brandon Young Makes Great Bow Shot on Colorado Antelope

Brandon Young, RecLand's Missouri Land Agent, killed this Colorado antelope with his bow in September. He said it was about 60 yards and coming in to a decoy. 


A Limit of Teal the Easy Way!

Hays Porter, 14 year old RecLand ProStaff, killed his limit of Blue Wings this past weekend a few minutes before 7 a.m. on our property in Tensas parish, LA. He killed them all out of one group and with just 2 shots! Dad never fired a shot...he just picked up the ducks! He's a DuckMan in the making...if he can manage to grow a beard!


Will Catches 2 lb Bass

Will Porter caught this 2 lb bass on our new property in Tensas parish, LA. This is Will's biggest bass so far. He's now RecLand ProStaff material!


RecLand welcomes 1st Missouri Land Agent

RecLand is excited to introduce Brandon Young, our 1st Missouri Land Agent. Brandon owns an aerial photography business and lives in Jefferson City with his wife, Anna, and their twin boys. They stopped in our office a couple weeks ago and we all had a big lunch at Willie's Diner in West Monroe. Brandon is a member of the Boondock Boys. Check out their website at Boondockboystv.com. Brandon's contact information is on our Contact Us page.


RecLand welcomes its first Iowa Land Agent.

RecLand is excited to have Daron Henson as its first midwest land agent. Daron lives in Decatur county, Iowa in some great country for trophy whitetails and turkey. He hunts on family land along the Iowa and Missouri border. Daron is a lifelong resident of Lamoni, Iowa with his wife, Eve, and 7 year old daughter, Taylor. Taylor is a HUGE Duck Commander fan, too!

RecLand will soon be licensed in Missouri and Daron will likely acquire his Missouri license soon. Heck...he probably will also end up licensed in Arkansas for us, too, since he makes trips down there to kill greenheads.

We are proud to have Daron and his family as part of the RecLand family!


Big Bass for Morgan!

Morgan, Brandon White's son, caught his biggest bass wearing the lucky hat his Grandaddy gave him. The bass was 5.2 lbs. 


Matthew Purkey on his first speck fishing trip - May 23, 2015

Matthew is the son of Coy Purkey, a RecLand Land Agent & Forester. He made his first fishing trip for specks with his dad over the Memorial Day weekend and had a good day on Saturday!


RecLand adds a new Land Agent - Ricky Andrews

RecLand welcomes new Land Agent, Ricky Andrews, from Caldwell parish, Louisiana. His cell and email are on our Contact page.