Louisiana Land Bank

Recland Talks


How to Sell Your Land Faster

Pat offers a number of ideas that landowners can use to add value to their land as well as help it stand out from the pack and attract more buyers. The information is simple, clear and comes from actual experience. It's a short read that gets straight to the point.

Not selling your land? No problem...this information can help you improve your rural land for yourself and the next generation as well as add future value. Give it a read.

Kindle and print versions available at Amazon HERE.

Audiobook version will be available soon.




Morgan White Shoots Lights Out in 3D Archery Competition - April 2016

Morgan White, one of our 1st RecLand ProStaffers, won his division of a recent 4-H 3D Archery Competition in Jasper, TX. With practice sessions like the one in the picture, it's easy to see how! Way to go, Morgan!


RecLand Poll - Land Investment Preferences


RecLand conducted this poll through the month of March 2016. We were a little surprised to see that investment grade pine land out-polled farm land by as much as it did. Everyone has different investment strategies for land purchases as well as uses for that land. The outdoor recreation / hunting component may have been a reason that timberland showed to be so popular here. Perhaps we can drill down into that more in future surveys and polls.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to take our short poll!


A Limit on LA Youth Duck Hunt - Feb. 2016

Hays Porter killed a limit of greenheads & woodie drakes on the last LA youth duck hunt of the 2015-16 season in a slough in Tensas Parish. He did a great job picking out the drakes!

RecLand ProStaff


Sponge Palmer Kills Nice LA 9 Point - January 10, 2016

Sponge Palmer is a Land Agent for RecLand living in Mandeville, LA. He killed this 3 1/2 year old 9 point on January 10, 2016 on private property in Tensas parish, LA. The buck scored 136" BC. 

RecLand ProStaff


Daron Henson Kills Iowa Whitetail January 2016

Daron Henson, RecLand's Iowa Land Agent, killed this whitetail with a muzzleloader on family land in Decatur county, Iowa.


Morgan White Kills a Spike During Texas Youth Hunt

Morgan White, son of one of RecLand's Texas Land Agents, Brandon White, killed a spike during an East Texas youth hunt. Brandon and Bridgette are great at taking both their kids hunting and fishing throughout the year. Morgan was wearing his RecLand ProStaff hat, too! This is not Morgan's 1st time on the RecLand ProStaff board. He is a charter member and killed a nice 7 point last year. Way to go, Morgan!


Purkey Brothers Kill Quality Ducks in South Louisiana - Nov. 10, 2015

The Purkey brothers had a great duck hunt near Gueydan, LA this past Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015. Caleb (left) and Coy are both Land Agents for RecLand. They have hunted south Louisiana their entire lives. They had limits with Greenheads and Pintail drakes. Those are quality birds! 

RecLand ProStaff


Nathan Renick, RecLand Land Agent / Forester, kills a nice Illinois buck with bow - Nov. 6, 2015

Nathan Renick shot this big Illinois 9 point with his bow late in the evening on Friday, Nov. 6, 2015. They went back in the next morning to track him. Nathan is a RecLand Land Agent / Forester licensed in Mississippi. RecLand ProStaff.


Raylee kills her 1st deer with a bow - October 2015

Raylee White has killed deer before but this is her first with a bow. She made a 15 yard shot on their hunting lease in Jasper county, Texas. Raylee is Brandon & Bridgette White's daughter. Brandon is one of RecLand's forester / land agents. Bridgette, her RecLand ProStaff mom, was likely in a deer stand herself!