Take a look to get a better idea of what closing costs are so you can negotiate them effectively and intelligently in your next deal.
Pat interviews lenders from the Winnsboro, LA branch of the Louisiana Land Bank about the details of how they can help finance rural real estate.
Pat interviews Justin Preaus. Justin is a commercial appraiser. They discuss the appraisal process for rural real estate and look at some details about valuing land.
The new RecLand podcast features Land Reports and Market Information. Subscribe free at Soundcloud.com and iTunes. Just search RecLand Realty. Go ahead and check out our original podcast while you're there...RecLand Talks.
Nathan Renick is a MS Land Agent for RecLand. He was with his 9 year old son, Jay, when he killed his first deer...a nice MS 8 point! Well done, Jay!
Pat kills a double beard bird hunting with Brandon Young, a RecLand agent and founder of Boondock Boys TV, on an 1100 acre farm RecLand has listed in Camden Co.