58.5 ac - Sabine Co Texas Land for Sale, Real Estate, National Forest - off CR 203

58.5 ac - Sabine Co Texas Land for Sale, Real Estate, National Forest - off CR 203

East of Brookeland, TX

  • Price: $117,000
  • Acres: 58.5
  • County/Parish: Sabine
  • Agent: Brandon White
  • Phone: 409.382.5529
Get Directions
Location: The property is located east of Brookeland, Texas off CR 203. There is no written or recorded easement to the tract. Access is made on a woods road across timber company and private land. From the intersection of Hwy 96 and FM 1007 go east on 1007 approx. 0.8 miles to CR 202 on the left. Take CR 202 approx. 0.9 miles to CR 203 to the right. Take CR 203 approx 3.2 miles to woods road on the left. Stay straight on that road for approximately 0.7 miles to the gate on the right.

Property Description

58.5 ac, more or less, timberland/recreational tract for sale in Sabine Co., TX
This is a historic family property that’s never been on the market before. If you are looking for peace and quiet and love nature this property is for you. This tract is in the woods between Lake Sam Rayburn and Toledo Bend Reservoir and borders the Sabine National Forest. This property is extremely diverse from a timber stand point (both species and products) which not only makes it an investment for timber but prime habitat for wildlife. McKim Creek is the northern boundary. There are interior trails/roads and a small camp house used by hunters.
No Utilities available.
Location: The property is located east of Brookeland, Texas off CR 203. There is no written or recorded easement to the tract. Access is made on a woods road across timber company and private land. From the intersection of Hwy 96 and FM 1007 go east on 1007 approx. 0.8 miles to CR 202 on the left. Take CR 202 approx. 0.9 miles to CR 203 to the right. Take CR 203 approx 3.2 miles to woods road on the left. Stay straight on that road for approximately 0.7 miles to the gate on the right.
Viewed By Appointment Only
Minerals: No Minerals to convey.
Price: $117,000.00
Note: Buyer’s agent please see commission information in the footer of the RecLand site.

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